Summer jobs for students at IDI

We have the following summer jobs available for students at the department of Computer Science (IDI) at NTNU.
Jobs are part-time  and have flexible working hours, so they can complement well other jobs you might already have. Both positions are intended to be extended in the autumn.

Summer job IT2901 Informatics Project II

Number of students: 1.

Workload: 4 weeks
Job description: “Revision of report templates and guidelines (Summer job), Extra TA in the autumn to collect project proposals.”


Summer job on   UMI-Sci-Ed project 

Number of students: 3
Workload: 2 weeks
Job description: Gain background knowledge with the udoo kit for summer job is to be extended in the autumn to go out in schools and run programming activities with children (target age 14-16).

Preferential titles for both are a relevant educational background for the position, interest, personal skills (including capability to work collaboratively as well as independently)

How to apply

Application deadline: 04.05.2018

Application, CV, and transcripts of grades to be sent to Monica Divitini


From our administration: Studenter med 180 studiepoeng eller mer lønnes i lønnstrinn 22; Studenter med under 180 studiepoeng lønnes i lønnstrinn 20. I tillegg kommer 12% feriepenger.


