Tag: IoT
Best paper award
Our paper Mavroudi, A., M. Divitini, Gianni, F., Mora, S., and D. R. Kvittem (2018). Designing IoT applications in lower secondary schools. 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), IEEE Press was presented at EDUCON2018 by Anna Mavroudi and won the BEST PAPER AWARD! Well done 🙂
ANYBOARD goes to school
Learning Internet of Things (IoT) by designing interactive board games? ANYBOARD, a platform for the design of interactive board games has been recently used to create engaging and fun learning experiences. By joining forces with the UMI-Sci-Ed project, ANYBOARD researchers have been able to integrate the research platform into an educational scenario, defining relevant learning objectives, related activities, and supporting…
IoT in CS education
The results from the working group on Internet of Things (IoT) in CS Education are now available in the ACM Digital Library: …